
The Night Bookmobile

The Night Bookmobile

The Night Bookmobile tells the story of a wistful young woman who late one night encounters a mysterious disappearing library on wheels that contains every book she has ever read. Seeing her history and most intimate self in this library, she embarks on a search for the elusive bookmobile. But her search turns into an obsession, as she longs to be reunited with her own collection and memories.

The Three Incestuous Sisters

The Three Incestuous Sisters

These rich pages present the tale of three very different sisters: one who is beautiful, one who is smart, and one who is talented. A melodrama of sibling rivalry unfurls as one sister is driven mad with jealousy due to the passionate love affair of another. Escalating to a dizzying climax, the romance of the two lovers ends in sabotage, shame, and despair. Haunting illustrations and lyrical prose depict a timeless tale of love, revenge, and ultimately, transcendence.