NPR's Ari Shapiro spoke with best selling author Audrey Niffenegger about her love of ghost stories and her new collection, Ghostly on October 30th, 2015.
This is the time of year where a bump in the night or a scratch at the window can bring dreams of creatures from the other side. Audrey Niffenegger has always had a thing for ghost stories. She's an author best known for her novel, "The Time Traveler's Wife." Now she has edited and illustrated a collection of haunted tales reaching back hundreds of years. The anthology is called "Ghostly." I asked Niffenegger why she keeps coming back to ghost stories.
AUDREY NIFFENEGGER: I love them as thought experiments - what if, what if? - what if this daily reality was actually surrounded by things that you can't see? You know, what if - what if people you love don't really disappear forever? Is that good, or is that bad? There's so much in it that is very resonant and can go in so many different ways. It can be horrible, it can be wonderful. Some of the stories in the collection are actually very funny.
You can listen to the interview here.