Raven Girl

Raven Girl

Once there was a Postman who fell in love with a Raven. So begins the tale of a postman who encounters a fledgling raven while on the edge of his route and decides to bring her home. The unlikely couple falls in love and conceives a child—an extraordinary raven girl trapped in a human body. The raven girl feels imprisoned by her arms and legs and covets wings and the ability to fly. Betwixt and between, she reluctantly grows into a young woman, until one day she meets an unorthodox doctor who is willing to change her.

Awake in the Dream World: The Art of Audrey Niffenegger

Awake in the Dream World: The Art of Audrey Niffenegger

The National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) presents Awake in the Dream World: The Art of Audrey Niffenegger, the first major museum exhibition of visual artist and author of The Time Traveler’s Wife. In this mid-career retrospective on view June 21–Nov. 10, 2013, Niffenegger reveals a mysterious, strange and whimsical world, both real and imagined, through 239 paintings, drawings, prints and book art.

How Audrey Niffenegger Ended up Writing a Ballet

How Audrey Niffenegger Ended up Writing a Ballet

Audrey Niffenegger knows nothing whatsoever about ballet. She’s pretty blunt about this. Originally it was because like every other struggling artist she could never afford tickets, and then later it was because she had become the kind of opera person who has season tickets and a regular opera buddy she takes to every show. But Niffenegger does know about stories and wonder and the weird.

Summer Events

Summer Events

May and June are going to be busy months with the release of Audrey’s new book, Raven Girl, the ballet of Raven Girl at the Royal Opera House (choreographed by Wayne McGregor) and the opening of Awake in the Dream World: The Art of Audrey Niffenegger at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. But there will also be an opening on June 14th at Printworks Gallery in Chicago of the prints from Raven Girl and a bunch of other events. Like this page and keep your eyes peeled for updates!